Monday, March 7, 2011

.: talam dua muka :.

smlm ckp laen..
ary ney wt laen..
smlm siap hasut aq suh benci OWG 2 lg..
ary ney duk manje2..
mntak tlng bagai..


sesungguhnye hidup ini kena survive bebnyak kt cney..
dah xnk nanges sbb OWG yg same..


btOL lOr ckp OWG,, klu dah syg kite snggup wt ape2 kt dye..
tp dye??
tnggal tanda SOAL jew aq bley ckp..

uuhhhhh.. nk mencarut rase.. eeeeee.. tensi0n..

klu xpaham bhase melayu lOr..
aq ley translate dlm BI..

hypocrite means someone who does (or believes) the opposite of what they say. A pretender.

From the dictionary....person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives

sakitnye jiwe..
2day is da last day,, i'm crying bcOz Of u..
kO lebih hina dr Owg yg kO hina..
sbb kO mntk tlng dgn Owg yg kO hina..
nOw,, i release sumtim..
my cOusin says dat u will meet the peOple like "him/her"..
jantina dirahsiakan.. 

ney l0r dye talam dua muka..
s0e l0r angelina jOlie dgn jenifer.. hehehehehehe..

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